About us.

Payse for all your HR matters.

PAYSE , we stand for Payroll Services, but it also signifies the speed of movement with the right efficiency. We believe in a world where knowledge knows no boundaries for our clients. PAYSE is a transparent, personal, and expert HR partner where simplicity and trust are paramount.


PAYSE empowers entrepreneurs by taking over their personnel management. They provide a strong HR management solution that allows entrepreneurs to focus on what they do best: running their business.


Happy employees mean a happy workplace. We make it simple and easy for businesses to take care of their employees.


The most important thing for PAYSE is that employers and employees can work carefree.

Always personal

. PAYSE draait alles om persoonlijk contact. De klanten en medewerkers moeten zich gehoord voelen en zich kunnen binden aan het merk van PAYSE.


PAYSE It is important to Payse that they are seen as an expert partner in the field of HR management. Customers and employees know where to find Payse for information and advice. PAYSE te vinden voor informatie en advies.


. PAYSE draait hun dienstenverlening om transparantie. Er zijn regels en wetten, maar PAYSE vindt de beste manier om hier zo passend mogelijk mee om te gaan voor hun opdrachtgevers.

Payroll & HR

Met Payroll van PAYSE regelen wij jouw personeelszaken, waardoor jij je volledig kan focussen op ondernemen.

We handle all the administrative and legal employer tasks, leaving you in charge of your employees. We call it a win-win situation.


Looking to hire expats for your business in The Netherlands? It's never been easier.

Immigration in the Netherlands has never been easier. With our knowledge and experience, we can help bring foreign employees to this country efficiently & hassle-free!


PAYSE originated from a former payroll office that was established in January 2016. As of November 2022, the name of this office was changed to PAYSE. PAYSE derives its name in part from Payroll Services, but it also means: the speed of moving with the right efficiency. PAYSE ensures a consistent back office with years of experience.


Marco Kaarsmaker en Wouter Jacobs zijn de eigenaren en oprichters van PAYSE. Marco is ooit begonnen als intercedent bij Randstad Uitzendbureau. Door de jaren heen heeft hij zich binnen Randstad Uitzendbureau ontwikkeld en heeft hij meerdere facetten van het uitzendvak onder zijn hoede gehad. Vervolgens in hij overgestapt naar Randstad Payroll Solutions. Hier heeft hij jarenlang keyaccounts zoals Unilever, Rijksoverheid en Philips beheerd.

Wouter's international background is extensive. He has worked as International Operations Manager for many years and his experience handling people from all over the world makes him an invaluable asset to our company, especially when it comes time deal with suppliers or customers who are not American in origin!

The gentlemen are proud to offer a wide range of HR services, from onboarding and payroll through retirement planning. They have been in business for over two years now with their core values being professionalism and transparency - they put the interests on first!  

"At the end of the day, what's most important to us is that employers and employees can work without any worries ."

Payse - Elementz
As an entrepreneur, it's ideal to have support from a professional HR specialist. They have the knowledge and are always reachable and quick to respond.
Tim van Twillert
Elementz - Exclusive Health Club
Payse - Van de Ven Fashion
We, at Van de Ven fashion, have been working very satisfied with Payroll from Payse for a long time.
Sergio Verbeke
Van de Ven Fashion
Payse - B11
This year I used payroll for the first time. I came to Payse because it seemed like the ideal partner for both my business and my employees. In addition, no question is too crazy for Marco & Wouter.
Bram van Roosmalen
B11 Event Group
Payse - Elementz
As an entrepreneur, it's ideal to have support from a professional HR specialist. They have the knowledge and are always reachable and quick to respond.
Tim van Twillert
Elementz - Exclusive Health Club
Payse - Van de Ven Fashion
We, as Van de Ven Fashion, have been working very satisfactorily with Payroll from PAYSE for a long time.
Sergio Verbeke
Van de Ven Fashion
Payse - B11
This year, I have used payroll for the first time. I chose PAYSE because they seemed like the ideal partner for both my company and my employees. Additionally, Marco & Wouter are always available to answer any question, no matter how unusual.
Bram van Roosmalen
B11 Event Group
Payse - Van der Valk
When we hire personnel, we place great importance on ensuring that everything is well taken care of administratively for these employees. With PAYSE, you can rely on this. And a deal is a deal!
In short, an excellent partner to work with.
Bob Wagner
HR Manager
Hotel schiphol A4

Contact us.

You will receive a response from us within one working day. Would you rather contact us directly? Call account manager Wouter on 033 303 7720.


Contact us.

You will receive a response from us within one working day. Would you rather contact us directly? Call account manager Wouter on 033 303 7720.


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