make a career in the Netherlands!

Turn your job search into a career path. For 30+ years, Payse matches multilingual talents to international career opportunities. We introduce experienced professionals to hiring managers in reputable companies across the Netherlands and Europe.

Working in the netherlands

What can payse do for me?

You are looking for work

If you are looking for work in the Netherlands, or maybe you found something but the business can’t arrange the contracts, Payse is here to help.

I am looking to sign someone

Opdrachtgever komt direct bij Payse uit omdat ze de ideale kandidaat gevonden hebben via social media en niet goed weten kan dit wel. Ik wil een kennismigrant aannemen.

"Payse matches multilingual talents to international career opportunities."

Payse - Elementz
As an entrepreneur, it's ideal to have support from a professional HR specialist. They have the knowledge and are always reachable and quick to respond.
Tim van Twillert
Elementz - Exclusive Health Club
Payse - Van de Ven Fashion
We, at Van de Ven fashion, have been working very satisfied with Payroll from Payse for a long time.
Sergio Verbeke
Van de Ven Fashion
Payse - B11
This year I used payroll for the first time. I came to Payse because it seemed like the ideal partner for both my business and my employees. In addition, no question is too crazy for Marco & Wouter.
Bram van Roosmalen
B11 Event Group
Payse - Elementz
As an entrepreneur, it's ideal to have support from a professional HR specialist. They have the knowledge and are always reachable and quick to respond.
Tim van Twillert
Elementz - Exclusive Health Club
Payse - Van de Ven Fashion
We, as Van de Ven Fashion, have been working very satisfactorily with Payroll from PAYSE for a long time.
Sergio Verbeke
Van de Ven Fashion
Payse - B11
This year, I have used payroll for the first time. I chose PAYSE because they seemed like the ideal partner for both my company and my employees. Additionally, Marco & Wouter are always available to answer any question, no matter how unusual.
Bram van Roosmalen
B11 Event Group
Payse - Van der Valk
When we hire personnel, we place great importance on ensuring that everything is well taken care of administratively for these employees. With PAYSE, you can rely on this. And a deal is a deal!
In short, an excellent partner to work with.
Bob Wagner
HR Manager
Hotel schiphol A4

Contact us.

You will receive a response from us within one working day. Would you rather contact us directly? Call account manager Wouter on 06 12 34 56 78.


Frequently Asked Questions
Through payrolling, the payroll provider takes care of the payment process for knowledge migrants. They calculate and process the salaries, deductions, and any applicable taxes or social security contributions on behalf of the employer.
Through payrolling, the payroll provider takes care of the payment process for knowledge migrants. They calculate and process the salaries, deductions, and any applicable taxes or social security contributions on behalf of the employer.
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